New IRA Technical Advice Memorandum Suggests There May Not Always Be Such a Things as a Free Lunch for Employees

For many years, the IRS has looked the other way when employers have provided their employees with free meals. A new Technical Advice Memorandum (“TAM”) suggests otherwise, in ultimately holding that employer-provided meals were not excludible from income except in limited situations. In 2014, the Department of Treasury released its priority guidance plan, which raised the …

Who Decides Who Gets to Live in the House While We Go Through the Divorce?

Papers are filed, the dissolution action is pending before the Court, and you may think you are on your way to living separate and apart from the other person for the rest of your lives. Don’t start changing the keys on the door too fast. Neither party is required to leave the marital residence during …

Making Your Divorce Quick and Painless in Tennessee

We recently posted a blog regarding how to make your divorce quick and painless in Arizona. There are some differences in Tennessee. This blog provides an overview of the divorce process in Tennessee. Understanding the process helps to make the divorce quick and hopefully painless. Once a petition for dissolving the marriage is filed, Tennessee …