Many charities feared that the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) would have an adverse impact on charitable giving during 2018 and after. The significant increase to the standard deduction available to most individuals means that more taxpayers do not itemize their deductions, including charitable contributions. In effect, “losing” the charitable tax deduction and …
The “Secrets” of Long-Term Marriage
I recently had lunch with a non-lawyer friend who, like me, has been married over 30 years (34 years for me; 31 for him). He was having some doubts about long-term marriage and found it odd that a divorce attorney (like me) could be happily married and content for so long. He wanted to know …
F Drops: It is Not a Profane Concept for S Corporations!
While partnership vehicles (particularly multi-member LLCs) are ordinarily the flow-through entity of choice, many businesses – especially long-standing closely-held businesses and healthcare businesses – opt for S corporations status. S corporations can present tax efficiency challenges, particularly on the exit of a business. Purchasers rarely desire to acquire an historic corporation (which may end up …
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What Happens with Parenting Time and Custody if I Have to Move After my Divorce?
So you’ve gone through a divorce. You have survived the mental anguish of the process and a court order has been entered regarding custody and parenting time. Eventually, life has settled back down, you and your ex-spouse are complying with the court order and everything is going as it should. But what happens to custody …
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Ohio Enacts Sweeping Energy Legislation: HB 6 Bails Out Nuclear, Coal Rolls Back Renewables and Energy Efficiency Opponents Pursue Referendum
Ohio’s longstanding energy policy debate came to a (temporary) conclusion on July 23, 2019, when Governor Mike DeWine (R) signed House Bill (HB) 6 into law. The bill will have significant consequences for existing electricity resources in the region, as well as Ohio’s renewable portfolio standard and energy efficiency programs. Of course, that’s only if …