Many wealthy individuals are asking that question out of fear that the historically high estate/gift tax exemption of $11,580,000 ($23,160,000 for a married couple), indexed annually for inflation, could be significantly decreased prior to its scheduled “sun-setting” on December 31, 2025 to $5,490,000 (indexed for inflation) if the Democratic party sweeps Congress and the White …
August 31 Deadline Looming for Coronavirus Related Return of Required Minimum Distributions
The IRS this week issued Information Release 2020-187 to remind IRA owners and beneficiaries, as well as participants in workplace retirement arrangements, that they have until August 31 to return required minimum distributions (“RMDs”)received earlier this year and, thereby, avoid paying income tax on the distribution in 2020. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security …
IRS Grants Relief for 2020 RMDS
The IRS recently granted additional relief for retirement account owners due to Covid-19. Generally, when a person attains age 72 (previously age 70 ½) that person is required to begin taking required minimum distributions (“RMDs”) from their retirement account each year based on their life expectancy. Individuals with inherited IRAs are required to take annual …
7 Steps to Obtaining a Divorce in Arizona
After a petition for dissolution of marriage is filed, a common question is what’s next? It seems almost impossible to figure out how to navigate between the actual filing of the paperwork to start the process, to getting to the final decree. Here are the 7 basic steps to keep in mind, which are the …
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Canadian Gaming Association’s Standards for Cashless Wagering
On June 10th, 2020, the Canadian Gaming Association (the “CGA”) released the draft Standards for Cashless Systems (the “Standards”) for industry comment. Cashless wagering systems allow players to participate in wagering activities without physical cash by using approved and securely protected authentication methods. The idea is that a sophisticated digital trail of cashless transactions will allow for increased …
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Don’t Forget Your Charitable Contributions
The CARES Act made a number of well publicized revisions to the tax code, including as to the payment of employee wages and the deduction of interest and net operating losses. Perhaps lesser known are the revisions in the CARES Act relating to charitable giving. For non-itemizers, there is a new $300 “above the line” …
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