Why Katy Perry’s “Roar” Can Be Powerful Against Narcissistic Abuse

It is very likely you know someone who exhibits narcissistic tendencies. The person who feels they are always right, lacks empathy for others, and is obsessed with power and control. Most of the time, we can ignore those tendencies, overlook them other times, and in many cases, just avoid the person entirely. However, when you …

Heard/Depp Trial: 3 Lessons Learned For Your Family Law Case

For weeks we were intrigued by the news and headlines of the court proceedings involving the defamation action by Johnny Depp against his ex-wife Amber Heard. We watched their lives behind closed doors as a married couple play out to audiences everywhere. However, the lessons learned from that trial are not unique to celebrity couples. …

Three Ways to Ensure Text Messages Are Relevant in Custody Cases

You have hundreds of text messages between you and the other parent. You hand them all over to your lawyer, expecting the lawyer to be ecstatic that you can show every cancellation of parenting time, refusal to take the child to the doctor when sick, and general uncooperativeness. Yet, after pouring through them, the attorney …

Five Tips for Making the Holidays Less Stressful for Separated or Divorced Parents

The holidays are here, and with the season, a certain amount of family stress is expected.  However, if you have a child and are recently separated or divorced from your child’s other parent, understanding and helping the stress your child will undoubtedly feel during this time is important.  For you, it may be a sense …

Selling The Family Home During Divorce: Questions To Ask If The Decision Is Right For You

Excerpt from Divorce in Arizona by Marlene Pontrelli and Robert Schwartz One of the first issues that often arises during a divorce is what to do with the family home.  Selling your home is a big decision. To help you decide what is right for you, ask yourself these questions: What will be the impact …

The Perfect Divorce: Lessons Learned From Bill and Melinda Gates

The announcement by Bill and Melinda Gates that they were ending their 27 year marriage shocked many. However, what was even more shocking was how amicable it appeared.   We hear horror stories about how contentious, emotional, and difficult divorces can be. In some cases, the mere thought of engaging in any financial and emotional warfare …

What Documents Should You Gather in a Divorce? A Checklist to Help Guide You

One of the most frustrating parts of a divorce for participants, whether you are representing yourself or you have a lawyer, is the volume of documents that must be exchanged. In Arizona, under the Rules of Family Law Procedure, each party is required, within 40 days of after a response to the initial petition is …

5 Tips For Keeping Gifts and Inheritances Received During the Marriage as Separate Property

The presents are unwrapped, and gifts exchanged. But that gift with your name on it, or that new vehicle in the driveway with a big bow on top, is it really yours?  Or, in the event of a divorce or legal separation, is it part of the marital estate subject to division? Gifts that you …

A 12 Step Checklist of Post-Divorce Considerations

Your divorce has just been finalized. Now what?  Depending on the assets divided, there may be a number of steps that you have to take to implement the terms of your divorce.  While your attorney likely provided some guidance upon completion of the divorce, here are 12 steps to consider. Automobile and Homeowner Insurance Automobile …