The IRS recently granted additional relief for retirement account owners due to Covid-19. Generally, when a person attains age 72 (previously age 70 ½) that person is required to begin taking required minimum distributions (“RMDs”) from their retirement account each year based on their life expectancy. Individuals with inherited IRAs are required to take annual …
Automatic Allocation of GST Tax Exemption
The Generation-Skipping Transfer (“GST”) tax is designed to prevent taxpayers from avoiding estate tax on a child’s inheritance at the child’s death by “skipping” inheritances over children to grandchildren. Each person currently has a lifetime GST exemption amount of $11,400,000 (in 2019, and indexed for inflation). If you make a transfer during lifetime or at …
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2018 Gift Tax Returns
If you made gifts in 2018 now is the time to begin thinking about filing a gift tax return. If you made gifts in 2018 in excess of the gift tax annual exclusion amount ($15,000 per donee in 2018, or $30,000 if a husband and wife elect to split gifts and a gift tax return …