August 31 Deadline Looming for Coronavirus Related Return of Required Minimum Distributions

The IRS this week issued Information Release 2020-187 to remind IRA owners and beneficiaries, as well as participants in workplace retirement arrangements, that they have until August 31 to return required minimum distributions (“RMDs”)received earlier this year and, thereby, avoid paying income tax on the distribution in 2020.  The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security …

IRS Grants Relief for 2020 RMDS

The IRS recently granted additional relief for retirement account owners due to Covid-19. Generally, when a person attains age 72 (previously age 70 ½) that person is required to begin taking required minimum distributions (“RMDs”) from their retirement account each year based on their life expectancy. Individuals with inherited IRAs are required to take annual …

Canadian Gaming Association’s Standards for Cashless Wagering

On June 10th, 2020, the Canadian Gaming Association (the “CGA”) released the draft Standards for Cashless Systems (the “Standards”) for industry comment. Cashless wagering systems allow players to participate in wagering activities without physical cash by using approved and securely protected authentication methods. The idea is that a sophisticated digital trail of cashless transactions will allow for increased …

Tax Tip for Tax-Exempt Hospitals: IRS Relief for the Community Health Needs Assessments Requirements

Recognizing the increased burdens that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on hospitals, the IRS has relaxed its deadline for meeting the Community Health Needs Assessments (CHNA) requirements per Internal Revenue Code Section 501(r)(3). See Notice 2020-56. To maintain their tax-exempt status, non-profit entities that operate hospitals must meet additional requirements, one of which relates to …

Do I Need a Pandemic Clause in my Divorce Documents?

The Coronavirus has upended long-standing post marriage relationships for a number of people.  Parenting plans have been rendered impossible by quarantine and other mandates; well-established financial security has given way to the largest number of unemployed Americans since the Great Depression; and the ability to pay for the home one rents or owns has become …

Nevada Gaming Commission Regulatory Adoption Presents New Opportunities for Wager Funding

On June 25th, 2020, the Nevada Gaming Commission held a hearing in which it adopted amendments to the Nevada Gaming Regulations to permit the direct or indirect electronic funding of wagering on a game or gaming device. What does this mean for Nevada gaming operators? To understand the impact of this change, it helps to …

Cancellation of Non-Qualified Plan Deferral Election Due to a Coronavirus-Related Distribution

In general, a participant must make a deferral election to a non-qualified deferred compensation plan before the beginning of the plan year and the election must remain in effect for the entire plan year. Participants made their deferral elections by December 31, 2019 to calendar year plans, before anyone knew how impactful the COVID-19 virus …

The Good Parts of the New Rules Regarding Distributions from IRA and Plan Interests

The SECURE ACT (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act) was included as part of the massive December 2019 appropriations bill. The inclusion of the Act was a stealthy surprise, since most thought that it had been taken off the table earlier that year. For the most part, the new rules are effective for …